Prefects 2020/2021

Congratulations to our pupils in their new Prefect Roles.


Heather Graham, Prefect responsible for Pupil Well Being.

Ethan Thompson,  Prefect responsible for Social Media / ICT

Ellen McIvor, Prefect for the Head of Junior School

Ellie Rose Kelly, Prefect for the Head of Senior School

Noah Holden, Prefect responsible for a ‘School Connected to the Community’

Rueben Maitland, Prefect for the Vice-Principal.

Hannah Coffey, Prefect for the Principal.



Junior School Mentors

Oliver Johnston, 10AT’s  mentor


Alister Burgess,10KI’s  mentor.


Morgan Anderson, 10LC’s mentor.


Jude O’Connor,  9MU’s mentor


Mark Tate,  9MC’s mentor.


Hannah Patterson 9CP’s mentor.



Evie Russell and Ross Connolly  mentors for 8MY


Jamie Marshall & Sarah Damerel mentors for 8JA


Hilary Walsh and Ethan Sproule mentors 8HU