“Jubilee Bake-off”

We would like to share with you some of the fantastic culinary creations our Junior School pupils produced recently at the Platinum Bake Off.  They thoroughly enjoyed themselves and, as you can see from the attached photos, the HE room was filled with all sorts of mouth-watering delights.

We hope that your child/children enjoyed taking part in the School’s Platinum Jubilee Bake Off and hope that they will participate in similar activities which are organised in the future.


100th birthday Celebrations!

Congratulations to Mrs Annie Campbell on reaching her 100th birthday. Mrs Campbell was very honoured to have received a birthday card from the Queen.

Mrs Campbell has strong links with Saintfield High School. Her daughter -in-law, Mrs Campbell is on the Board of Governors, her daughter, Mrs Fletcher is our Bursar,  her grand children Lucy and Isaac Campbell and great- granddaughter, Hannah McKibbin are all current pupils at the school.

Saintfield High School would like to extend our warmest wishes  to Mrs Campbell on reaching this incredible milestone.



Music Department


             Louise                                    Anthony                          Charlotte

A huge well done to Louise (Flute – grade 5), Charlotte (Clarinet – grade 1) and Anthony (Guitar – grade 5) who all succeeded in their recent music examinations.

Well done, too, to Hannah Blackbourne and Anna Sloss. These Year 10 girls have been taking part in training events with the National Youth Choir NI in recent weeks. Keep it up, girls!